The next day, Mia learns that Josh and Lana broke up. Josh “asked for his class ring back” (229), and Lana is now a miserable, unkempt mess. Later, at her locker, Mia is shocked when Josh asks her to the dance. Although she momentarily thinks that he’s “only asking [her] out because [she’s] the princess of Genovia” (231), she shakes off that thought and says yes. Mia is absolutely giddy, but in G & T, Lilly tells Mia that Josh is just “on the rebound” (234). Mia argues that Josh and Lana broke up “sixteen whole hours” (234) before he asked her out, but she still feels a little strange seeing Lana so sad while Josh doesn’t seem to care about the breakup.
Mia starts to feel a little uncomfortable with the whole situation, and she thinks that Josh “probably shouldn’t have asked out another girl so soon after breaking up with Lana” (236). Still, she tries to push away her discomfort. Grandmère plans to take Mia shopping on Saturday for her “first formal event as a representative of Genovia,” and she says that Mia must “sparkle” (238). Mia spends the night at Tina’s family’s penthouse, which is huge, beautiful, and overwhelmingly opulent.