The judge is afraid Mrs. Djou’s body is too weak to undergo more torture and orders her taken back to jail. He is at a loss, as all his methods have failed to produce a confession. He consults with Sergeant Hoong and later also calls for the other three constables.
During the night, Mrs. Djou is in pain and cannot sleep. She is slightly delirious and believes that she is seeing the Judge of the Inferno and his helpers, the Ox-headed and Horse-headed demons. She also sees what she believes is the ghost of her husband and finally confesses how she killed him with a long, thin needle through the top of his head. She further admits to giving her daughter a draught to make her lose her speech because the child had witnessed one of Hsu’s visits.
After her confession, the jail grows dark again. Back in the judge’s office, the five men take off their disguises.
The following day the judge sends for Mrs. Bee and her granddaughter. He gives the girl a special draught that makes her throw up and pass out but ultimately restores her ability to speak. The girl confirms that Hsu often visits her mother.
Once again in the tribunal hall, Judge Dee gathers all involved with the Strange Corpse case.
By Anonymous