The judge decides to visit the third crime scene. As an official, Mr. Hua knows the correct proceedings and so had sealed the room. When the judge enters, he finds the young woman’s corpse on the couch with blue spots on her body and some blood on her face. Inside the teapot is a black liquid. The judge orders for a stray dog and, after soaking some meat in the liquid, gives it to the animal. The dog eats the meat and after a short time begins howling and eventually dies. Its body is sealed in a box to serve as an exhibit for the tribunal.
Judge Dee questions the bride’s maidservant, who swears that she left the room only once to eat dinner in the adjoining kitchen. She brought water for tea twice throughout the day, at noon and in the evening. Several people drank from the first teapot without ill effects, but only the bride drank from the second one.
The judge decides that it is premature to arrest Candidate Hoo, as there is no actual proof that he is the murderer. Furthermore, since it is clear that the bride was poisoned, Judge Dee believes it is unnecessary to perform an autopsy and desecrate the young woman’s body.
By Anonymous