“Elena” (1984) by Pat Mora
This is an example of a persona poem, in which Mora gives voice to a Mexican woman who has moved to the United States with her husband and children. She must learn English to remain relevant to her children and to adjust to the family’s new life.
“Curandera” (1984) by Pat Mora
In this poem published in the same collection as “Elena,” Mora describes a curandera, which is Spanish for a female folk healer who mixes medicinal plants and spiritualism to treat illnesses. It exemplifies Mora’s interest in people who remain strongly connected with indigenous traditions and beliefs.
“Ode to Teachers” (2010) by Pat Mora
The speaker in this poem recalls the encouragement and support they received from a teacher who helped them gain confidence in themselves and their writing. The poem reflects Mora’s belief that children’s creativity should be encouraged.
“My Rock” (2021) by Pat Mora
This poem is about the connection between human beings and the natural world, an important indigenous value and a frequent theme in Mora’s poetry.
By Pat Mora